Drumroll please…

We finally made it to Spring! Although the word feels a bit overdramatic given it was one of the warmest winters on record, and that mushy white slush last week was the only venture into a white winter we had all season.
Never the less, the warm weather is upon us and that means the time to explore the city has begun again!
As we kickoff this soon-to- be-killer tour season, I need to make some intros and tell you what to be on the lookout for this year!
We have some totally rocking new guides AND they have uniforms! (I picture that being said in Oprah’s annunciated sing-songy proclamation type voice, un-ni-fooormmms!)
Well, not really. Each guide is now going to rock some of their favorite local clothes and accessories from right here in the District! Is there any better way to expand our support for the community than to feature things they make right here? I don’t think so. Just stay tuned for future posts and we’ll start letting you in on those special Made in DC items!
And Now . . . without further adieu, here is our fabulous 2017 lineup
Meet Amanda, our veteran guide. She started last spring and is back for round 2. She’s a NOVA native that’s been sneaking into the district since High School. Last year she also graduated from the culinary program at The Arts Institute here in DC. Now, she’s a baker setting down roots in the District.
Brittany joined our team late last year, bringing her funky style, passion for food and excitement all the way from Canada. As a recent transplant, she dove into DCs culture and food
scene with fresh taste buds. Now, She’s ready to share all she’s experienced with visitors and locals alike.
Laura is a super new and super awesome guide that has been living in DC for almost 20 years. She has made exploring DC’s history and culture part of her life’s work, literally. She is a real estate agent who is passionate about learning DC neighborhoods, things to do, architecture and of course, delicious local food.
Last, but not least, Marisa, our newest guide. She is a DC native who has a passion for expanding food access, culinary education, and urban agriculture. She started scouting out DC’s
local food scene as a young girl, and hasn’t stopped since. Now, she’s ready to share that knowledge, and show you what makes the district’s gastro-culture so special.
We’re super excited for our newest team members! Here’s to a great 2017 season!