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Washington DC

Why You Should Start an Urban Garden

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_gallery _builder_version=”3.0.67″ posts_number=”1″ show_title_and_caption=”off” show_pagination=”on” gallery_ids=”2471,2475,2473,2472″ fullwidth=”on” orientation=”landscape” zoom_icon_color=”#666666″ hover_overlay_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.9)” background_layout=”dark” border_style=”solid” auto=”off” /][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.67″ background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid”] The weather’s warming up. There are pansies everywhere and perennials are starting to show their colors. All this has you thinking that you should start a garden, but what would you plant and where would you put it? These are the questions my friends and customers ask, and as an urban farmer, I can tell you that even in small spaces or rowhouse yards, there are infinite possibilities for growing. Sharing a meal with friends and family with food you’ve grown, seeing people taste a homegrown tomato or unwrap ground cherries from their husks like kids with candy wrappers–are some of the most rewarding moments. Now is the time to start planting your summer crops. Many gardeners use Mother’s Day…

Five Principles of Fantastic Food Tours

As we kick off our 2018 season, proudly entering our fourth year in business there is a lot of fondly looking back, hand horizontally perched on the eyebrow ridge, thinking about how far we have come. I’d like to think I knew what we were doing in year one, and I’m sure I believed me….

Adventures with Mom

It’s rare that my mom and I get to spend time together in DC by ourselves, so when she decided to come down from Pennsylvania for a mother daughter visit, I knew I had to cram in as much of the fun stuff we both like to do as possible. We love history and visiting…